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About us...

Hi, I’m Britta, a wine lover, photographer, vegetable gardener and burrito connoisseur. While growing up in Monterey County, California, I somehow always found myself playing in the dirt. Whether it was turning our backyard into a “mud factory” or learning how to grow my own vegetables, my hands were (and are) often in the soil. The love of the earth led me to study agriculture at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.  

While in college, I had the opportunity to study wine in the majestic wine region of Adelaide, Australia. My time in the Adelaide Hills and Barossa Valley sparked a passion in me for really good, well made wine that honors the earth and our well being. We visited many vineyards and wineries around Adelaide, and the wines produced there absolutely blew my mind. Many of the winemakers practice a minimalistic approach to their craft. Simply put, they find the best fruit they can from sustainably grown vineyards and let the natural beauty of the grapes do all the talking. There were no additives or manipulations to these vintages. It was just wine. And the result? Extraordinary. These wines had character and texture and tasted better than any wine I’d had before. 

After returning to the U.S., I realized there weren’t many places to purchase the types of wine I fell in love with in Australia. I wanted to share these expressive bottles with my family and friends, but found it difficult to track down wines with the same heart I found Down Under. So, I set out on a journey to find other winemakers, domestic and imported, who care about the soil and grapes as much as I do. 

Work Street Wines is the answer to my quest. Here, you will find incredibly delicious wines focused on sustainability and transparency. Every producer represented, domestic and imported, has a unique story and I’m really excited to share them with you. They make wines that bring me joy, and I know you will love them too!